Kapsel Magazine #5 – Der Einsiedler

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The fifth issue of Kapsel magazine contains the short story “The Hermit” by the natural scientist and author Liu Yang from Sichuan. In the sci-fi story, first published in China in 2014, a young entrepreneur builds a secret refuge underground where he buries himself in his books and doesn't notice how the world outside is spinning faster and faster. Detached from the rhythm of the world, he begins a journey that takes him to the end of the universe. Liu Yang's background as a natural scientist inspires his writing. Is “The Hermit” a combination of science and facts? Stay tuned for an impressive and unusual thought experiment about the hidden forces of our world. The writers Regina Kanyu Wang, Anja Engst, Julia Dorsch, Anna Hetzer, Rudi Nuss and Tim Holland respond to Liu Yang's story, printed bilingually - in Chinese and German - with a German contribution and Peter Watts with an English contribution. In an interview, the literary scholar Jiang Zhenyu, an important researcher of science fiction, asks Liu Yang about his stories and the genre. The texts are illustrated by Christoph Köster, Julius Wagner, Claudia Schramke, Alina Albertine Warnecke, Martha Burger, Robert Löbel and Marius Wenker.

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