Rûm Magazine #2

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rûm [ruum] is an ancient german word for "room" or "space". Our aim is to provide space for film photographers. rûm is exclusively dedicated to film photography. It provides a free platform for photographers to present their work. rûm welcomes emerging talents as well as established photographers. We want to promote interaction and collaboration between photographers and so we are always happy to get in touch with you. rûm was founded by Maria Lichtenegger and Harald Wawrzyniak, two photographers based in Graz.

Photographers in Rûm #2

David Avazzadeh
Julia Berezina
Pawel Biedrzycki
Stanley Bloom
Seiya Bowen
Kati Bruder
Dominic Bugatto
Natasha Cantwell
Marilyn Champagne
Carmen Colombo
Jacob Cook
Jon Cuadros
Brigita Ercegovic
Yoav Friedländer
Daniel Fuchs
Alexandros Garnavos
Isa Gelb
Asia Giannelli
Marcus Glahn
Nancy Grace Horton
Jakub Janco
Franck Jessueld
Mirza Kahriman
Mara Kallinikou
Emilia Kaplan
Kostas Kapsianis
Jameson Kergozou
Cassandra Klos
Anne-Sophie Landou
Julia Lacina
Wouter le Duc
Johams Leguisamo
Suki Lui
Ulrike Mayrhuber
Mila Panic
Katharina Paulweber
Nick Prideaux
Sebastian Reiser
Jess Smith
John Steck Jr.
Dana Stirling
Michael M Stockton
Andrew Stoffo
Nabil Tazi
Berber Theunissen
Monica Vila
Karen Ward
Aaron Wax
Oliver Wiegner
Elif Yalim

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