Pleasant Place Magazine #1 – Enclosures

 14,00 (incl. 10% VAT)

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A garden is a garden because it’s framed and shielded from the outside world. Right?

A Sisterly Witch Dance in the Walled Garden – an essay on the walled garden by Laurie Cluitmans
My Garden’s Boundaries are the Horizon – a photo-essay on Derek Jarman’s fenceless garden at Prospect Cottage
New Enclosures – new and experimental enclosures by artists Cindy Bakker, Iede Reckman, Jesse Greulich and Daniel Slats
Living Enclosures – an article on the benefits of living enclosures with illustrations by Gijs Deddens;
a set of hortus conclusus miniatures by Sophie Artz

The cover and inside cover are by Pleasant Place × Marius Grootveld × D.alle and graphic design is by fanfare.

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