Superhaufen Magazine #1

 19,00 (incl. VAT)

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People, publishing, publication - the first magazine for independent publishers. The Superhaufen project is dedicated to the artistic and independent print culture - the independent publishing scene.

It's all about strengthening the small but fine community of independent publishers. People who exist independently of the commercial book market and see publishing as art. The Superhaufen project sees itself as a meeting place where makers of artistic publications (magazines, fanzines, artist books, artist magazines, multiples, photo books, art prints) are given a platform to become visible and audible.

Magazine Superhaufen - First issue: Focus on money
Superhaufen looks behind the pages of the artistic work of magazine and book makers and brings together various independent publishing topics. According to the motto "people publishing publication", artists, projects, places, publications, interviews, articles, essays and poems are bundled into a thematic focus. The first Superhaufen focus is the topic of money. Both the focus and the visual appearance change with each issue. Superhaufen is published once a year.


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