Anna Breit – Look Book – 01 (signed)

 35,00 (incl. 10% VAT)

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“Look Book – 01” is the second book by photographer Anna Breit. It comprises over 100 photos from the photographer’s archive from 2018 to 2024, all of which are excerpts – mainly from commissioned works. The original images were deliberately destroyed by the artist and the frame was thus reset. The commissioned work no longer exists and is equally the fundamental starting point for this playful artistic work. What remains are grainy faces, which are serially arranged on the pages without interruption as close-up views. In Look Book – 01, Anna Breit plays with the interface between applied and artistic photography.

Anna Breit, *1991 in Vienna; lives and works in Vienna.

Text: Corina Lueger, Jakob Breit
Design: Andrea Ida

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