Reflektor Photobook Breakfast with Moritz Neumüller – Talking About Photobooks
Saturday, 6 April 2024, 11:00–13:00
Softcover, Stumpergasse 53-55, 1060 Vienna
Presentation at 12:00
Come by! We cordially invite you to a nice breakfast with coffee, tea, cake, snacks and a photo book presentation!
Warm welcome to a new edition of the Photobook Breakfast hosted by Reflektor in collaboration with Softcover! We are very excited that Moritz Neumüller will be joining us to present the book project Talking About Photobooks. Due to be published in the summer 2024, the book summarizes highlights and learnings from 10 years of the Photobook Week Aarhus, Denmark, for which Moritz has been the chief curator. Based on keynote speeches, panels and presentations that were held over the years, the contributions are written by some of the most prominent voices in the field.
Important aspects that are raised in the essays include the historization of the photobook medium, its relation to architecture and Artificial Intelligence, and the many roles of the photobook in art and society, in the center and the periphery. Talking About Photobooks will moreover cover practical issues such as, how to research, collect, distribute and showcase photobooks. Looking back at how the photobook as a medium has developed over the past 10 years also paves the way to look at its future and discuss the relevance that photobooks (should) have today.
Talking About Photobooks is edited by Beate Cegielska, Anne Elisabeth Toft, Jesper Rasmussen and Moritz Neumüller (Editor-in-chief) and will be published by Photobook Week Aarhus in collaboration with Fw:Books (Amsterdam) in the summer 2024.
About Moritz Neumüller
Moritz Neumüller (b. Linz, Austria, 1972) is a curator, educator and activist in the field of visual art. He has worked for institutions such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York, La Fábrica in Madrid and PhotoIreland, in Dublin. Furthermore, he runs an online resource for visual artists, called The Curator Ship, and is chief curator of the Photobook Week Aarhus, Denmark. Recent projects include the exhibition Photobook Phenomenon at CCCB Barcelona and The Routledge Companion to Photography, Representation and Social Justice, published by Taylor & Francis New York. He is currently in Japan to perform a participative workshop program, in the framework of the TOKAS Research Residency Program in Tokyo.
About Reflektor
Reflektor is a Vienna-based platform for the promotion of photobooks and self-publishing. Founded in 2017, the group consists of dedicated photographers, curators and photobook enthusiasts from Vienna and abroad. Among the events that Reflektor organizes on a regular basis are artist talks and panel discussions. The Photobook Breakfast is a format in which books or current topics are discussed in a casual atmosphere and people can get in touch with us who want to learn more about our work or are contemplating to self-publish a photobook.