Julia Maria Gruber

Julia Maria Gruber


Wednesday, 20 December 2023, 17:00–22:00
Softcover, Stumpergasse 53-55, 1060 Vienna

The 6th edition of OTAMP (One Thousand and More Pictures) – the analog photo surprise campaign – has already begun. OTAMP Edition Prints can once again be pre-ordered via the online store until 10.12.2023.

The collected films will be developed and a fine preselection made from the images they contain. The pre-ordered prints can then be selected from this selection.

The prints will be produced as high-quality C-prints and can be collected at this closing event, well packaged in secure envelopes. On this occasion, we also invite everyone to celebrate a little with us, chat with the artists present and have the prints signed.

Participating artists:

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