Nando von Arb – Fürchten Lernen

 36,00 (incl. VAT)

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Third edition: Dezember 2024

Nando von Arb tells episodic stories of different experiences of fear. These are linked to personal experiences, but also have a high potential for identification and thus something universally valid. Nando speaks of the fear of the dark, of loneliness, illness, death ... Often the superficial fear seems more like a symptom of a much deeper, different fear.

In his unmistakable style and with a variety of colours and techniques, Nando von Arb invites the reader into a colourful, (nightmarish) dreamlike world and finds strong, surprising visual ideas for what lies between the lines.

‘Sometimes the monsters under the bed don't really disappear when the day dawns, but on the contrary keep haunting you in ever new forms, even when you've long since grown up. Learning to Fear' brings together stories about these monsters and how to deal with them: whether it's the grimaces in the wardrobe in your room at night or the nursery rhyme ravens that peck out little Nando's eyes, whether it's the (supposed) heart attack or the impending cancer diagnosis. There are touching, frightening, poetic, funny and absurd episodes and scenes from a life with an anxiety disorder, which Nando von Arb tells on beautifully drawn and composed pages, pages almost every one of which could stand alone as a work of art. But they don't have to, because fortunately they are gathered together in this thoroughly marvellous book!’ Lea Willimann, Artistic Director Fumetto Comic Festival Lucerne


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