Anja Kaiser & Rebecca Stephany – Glossary of Undisciplined Design
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- Category: Book
- Topic: Design, Feminism, Graphic Design
- Publisher: Spector Books
- Country: Germany
- Language: English
- Release: 2024
- Cover: Softcover
- Binding: Thread
- Size: 11 x 17.5 cm
- Pages: 312
Editor: Anja Kaiser, Rebecca Stephany
Design Concept: Anja Kaiser, Rebecca Stephany
D for Dummy Woman, M for Monster’s Tools, S for Style Defense, U for Unstable Signs – the Glossary of Undisciplined Design looks into undisciplinarity as a feminist unpacking of the field of graphic design, of dogmatic rules, discriminatory structures and a particularly one-sided canon. Carried by a decidedly fragmentary and collective backbone, the GUD handbook combines a multitude of theories and narratives of varying densities – from visual essay, hands-on experiment, interview or advertorial, to poem, speculative tale and academic writing. With around 55 contributions by 20 international designers, activists, educators and theorists, the Glossary of Undisciplined Design explores role models, tools and dissent.
Contributions: Clara Balaguer, Sheila Levrant de Bretteville, Ece Canlı, Hackers & Designers, Markus Dreßen, Sara Kaaman, Anja Kaiser, Jungmyung Lee, Vincent Schier, Rebecca Stephany, Franciska Zólyom, Studierende der Staatlichen Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe, and others
Glossary of Undisciplined Design is a joint initiative instigated by designer/educators Anja Kaiser and Rebecca Stephany. Kaiser is active in feminist contexts and in the club culture scene, where she seeks to carve out space for resistance. Stephany’s polyphonic cultural practice is fuelled by intersectional social critique, undisciplined research tools, and an unquenchable desire for imagery.